Warriors For The Working Day
Military Art
Paul Hitchin
145 Walsall Road




As with the previous Roman soldier shown auxiliaries were an essential part of the Roman army. Relieving the legionary heavy infantry of many of the more mundane tasks such as guarding and patrolling the extended lines of the Empire. Nevertheless taking a major part in the pitched battles against the enemies of Rome. They were recruited amongst the subject peoples of Rome and formed into cohorts normally bearing the name of the region from which they originated.

The standard bearer shown is based on a surviving gravestone and Represents the Signifer of the fifth Asturian cohort raised in Spain in the  1st Century AD. His standard carries the unit’s battle honours and, unusually for an auxiliary unit bears an eagle. The man is protected by a mail shirt worn beneath a soft leather jerkin that may have actually  been dyed. His bronze helmet is worn covered by an animal skin, common amongst standard bearers. He is armed with the standard Roman gladius short sword and dagger worn suspended from decorative belts


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