Warriors For The Working Day
Military Art
Paul Hitchin
145 Walsall Road



Skirmishers – French Voltigeur and British 95th Rifleman

Light troops were introduced into European armies in the mid eighteenth century. Each British line battalion being given a Light Company to act as skirmishers and harry the advance of an enemy. Later the army went one stage further with the introduction of Light Infantry Regiments and in particular two units of riflemen, the 60th and 95th Rifles. Both units were distinguished by their green uniforms and were armed with the far more accurate Baker rifle with an effective range of several hundred yards. Their green clothing supposedly helped them blend with the landscape since they were trained to fight in a more flexible and independent manner that their red coated line counterparts. The French did not adopt the rifle during the Napoleonic Wars but their Voltigeur companies were supposed to fight in a similar manner, skirmishing in front of the line troops. Their uniforms featured green and yellow epaulettes and hunting horn badges. The man portrayed here is a Sergeant, a veteran of more than 14 years service. Both men are portrayed in campaign dress as worn in the Peninsular War in Spain with evidence of the wear and tear of campaign.



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